Tuesday, January 19, 2010

a fresh start to an overdone beginning

So here it is... I'm a 3rd year Advertising IMC student at SLC and it's pretty much crunch time. Time to choose what area you want to become a mastermind in before graduation, which isn't too far away now. I got thinking... what's new and interesting out in the world, what's changing the way we advertise our junk to make it seem that much better. How do we grab people's attentions and keep them where we want them in a world of corny commercials and ads?

Social Online Marketing... or Social Netmarketing?

Someone asks you to promote their company. Your first thought - Facebook and Twitter. It is the cheapest and easiest way to involve your company with your customers, but can easily become overdone. Twitterholics, Twittercide, Twitterdiction, Twitterosaurs? (urban dictionary for the win) - we have heard it all. The problem? Peole don't know how to effectively use these mediums to their benefit. It all just ends up looking like one last desperate attempt to get your name out there. There are so many ways to use these mediums to your advantage... and it's easy as hell too. Maybe people should learn how to get the most out of their sites before they just jump on the junky bandwagon...

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